Available Overlay Message Types

Trigger a Giveaway

	"type": "triggerGiveaway",
	"data": null

Add a user to the currently running giveaway

	"type": "addUserToGiveaway",
	"data": {"username": "ACPixel"}
Please note that the user will still have to claim from chat, so only add users by their in chat username.

Trigger a Credits Overlay

	"type": "triggerCredits",
	"data": null

Trigger a Shoutout

	"type": "triggerShoutout",
	"data": {
		"username": "ACPixel", //username of the user you'd like to shoutout
		"platform": "twitch" //platform the user is on, currently Twitch and Glimesh are supported.

Start a Count-Down timer

	"type": "triggerCountdown",
	"data": 1234 //time in seconds to count down from

Start a Count-Up timer

	"type": "triggerCountup",
	"data": 1234 //time in seconds to count up from

Start Streamathon

	"type": "startStreamathon",
	"data": null

Add time to Streamathon

	"type": "addStreamathonTime",
	"data": 1234 //time in seconds to add to streamathon. Can be negative to remove time.